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Book: BibTeX citation key:  bruns.755
Bruns Axel (2008). Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life and Beyond : From Production to Produsage. Francfort : Peter Lang.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2008-05-10 10:24:28
Categories: 2. apports théoriques intelligence collective, hypermédia et web 2.0
Keywords: aspects économiques, rapport au savoir, web participatif
Creators: Bruns
Publisher: Peter Lang (Francfort)

Number of views:  1321
Popularity index:  11.01%

We—the users turned creators and distributors of content—are TIME’s Person of theYear 2006, and AdAge’s Advertising Agency of the Year 2007. We form a new Generation C. We have MySpace, YouTube, and OurMedia; we run social software, and drive the development of Web 2.0. But beyond the hype, what’s really going on? In this groundbreaking exploration of our developing participatory online culture, Axel Bruns establishes the core principles which drive the rise of collaborative content creation in environments, from open source through blogs and Wikipedia to Second Life. This book shows that what’s emerging here is no longer just a new form of content production, but a new process for the continuous creation and extension of knowledge and art by collaborative communities: produsage. The implications of the gradual shift from production to produsage are profound, and will affect the very core of our culture, economy, society, and democracy.

Building on an analysis of key sites including Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, and Second Life, it explores the intellectual, technological, and social implications of produsage, as well as the legal and economic models employed by produsage projects. In doing so, the book highlights the implications of produsage for our culture, democracy, and society.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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