Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN


My Wikindx
Text Input
RTF Files
Endnote Tabbed Files
Endnote XML Files
RIS Files
HTML Files
BibTeX Files

Please note, to use WIKINDX fully, you must have cookies turned on in your web browser preferences.

Because WIKINDX uses sessions to store temporary data you may experience unexpected results if you open more than one browser window or tab.


There are a number of preferences the user can set including:
  • Language
  • Template The choice of templates allows the user to radically alter the look and feel of WIKINDX.
  • Bibliographic Style These are used to display and export WIKINDX resources in a format suitable for inclusion in a bibliography.
  • Paging Paging allows the user to limit the maximum number of resources displayed on the browser. The number of paging links displayed at the bottom of the screen can also be adjusted.
  • Character Limiting Sometimes the text displayed in a form select box is long enough to cause problems with the web browser display. This is often the case with journal titles or publisher names. This field allows the user to limit the amount of text with any dropped text being replaced by ' ... '.


My Wikindx:
If multi user mode has been enabled by the WIKINDX administrator and you are logged on as a valid user, you can select 'My Wikindx' from the 'File' menu to manage an unlimited number of personal bibliographies. User bibliographies are browsable by all users (from 'Bibliographies' under the 'File' menu) but only you can edit them.

NB If you choose to 'Delete from bibliography', you are simply removing the reference to a resource from your chosen bibliography -- the resource remains in the master WIKINDX bibliography.


Text Input:
HTML code will be stripped from all input.

Any word beginning with 'www.' or 'ftp.' will be automatically converted to a hyperlink.

BBcode may be used in textarea input:

  • [b]bold[/b]
  • [i]italics[/i]
  • [u]underline[/u]
  • [size=xx]font size[/font] ('xx' in range 10 to 30)
  • [color=xx]font color[/color] ('xx' is hexadecimal code or colour name)
  • [url]http://URL[/url]
  • [url=http://URL]label[/url]
  • [email]email address[/email]
  • [img]image URL[/img]
  • [img=xx*yy]image URL[/img] ('xx' = pixel width, 'yy' = pixel height)
  • [align=xx]text alignment[/align] ('xx' = left, right, center)
  • [code]code[/code]
  • [list][*]item 1[*]item 2[*]item 3[/list]
  • [list=x][*]item 1[*]item 2[*]item 3[/list] (list type 'x' = i, I, a, A, 1)
  • [float=xx]float alignment[/float] ('xx' = left, right)
  • [sup]superscript[/sup]
  • [sub]subscript[/sub]

Some bibliographic styles, such as APA, require all initial letters of words in the title (excepting the first) to be lowercased. When entering a new resource, enclosing letters in braces, e.g. {ApA}, in 'title' and 'subtitle' fields ensures that the case of those letters remains unchanged.


A resource is body of work which can be referenced. It may be a complete book, an article in a book or a journal article etc. and is therefore analagous to a single entry in a bibliography.

A resource, in addition to its authorship, publication etc. details, may have one general note, and any number of quotes, paraphrases and musings attached to it. The general note differs from a musing in that the former, of which there can be only one, is intended to be a broad description or opinion about the whole resource while the latter, of which there may be many, is intended for various specific thoughts or musings on aspects of the resource.


RTF Files:
In order to transfer a bibliography to a word processor such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, WIKINDX can convert the bibliography to a RTF (Rich Text Format) file for you to download. RTF files are designed for the transfer of data (and much of the formatting) from one word processor to another so are ideal for use in this case. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create a RTF file.

Select 'Export RTF' from the 'File' menu to create and download your RTF file. (If your browser has been configured to do so, the RTF file will automatically open in your favourite word processor.)

NB A downloaded file that is automatically opened in a word processor may be read only so, in order to be able to edit it, you will need to save it immediately from within the word processor.


Endnote Tabbed Files:
Use this to create a tabbed file suitable for importing into Endnote. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create an Endnote tabbed file.

Select 'Export Endnote Tabbed' from the 'File' menu to create and download your Endnote file.


Endnote XML Files:
Use this to create an XML file suitable for importing into Endnote v8 or higher. Unlike tabbed files, Endnote XML files support UTF-8 characters. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create an Endnote XML file.

Select 'Export Endnote XML' from the 'File' menu to create and download your Endnote file.


RIS Files:
RIS files are widely used for importing bibliographies into programs such as Reference Manager, ProCite, and EndNotes. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create a RIS file.

Select 'Export RIS' from the 'File' menu to create and download your RIS file.


HTML Files:
You may wish to produce a simple HTML bibliographic list suitable for inclusion on a web site. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create the HTML file.

Select 'Export HTML' from the 'File' menu to create and download your HTML file.


BibTeX Files:
BibTeX files are widely used in the scientific, engineering and mathematical worlds for formatting bibliographies in conjuction with LaTeX. Once you have produced a bibliographic list through the use of 'list', 'select' or 'search' functions, you can then create a BibTeX file.

Select 'Export BibTeX' from the 'File' menu to create and download your BibTeX file.

If you are exporting resources that came from a BibTeX import into WIKINDX, you can chose to use the original citation key and to merge in data for each resource that were not recognised by WIKINDX at the time of importing. If no such data were stored during the import, these options will be ignored.


You can write a complete paper, article or chapter of a book entirely within WIKINDX before exporting it to Rich Text Format for final polishing in an external word processor.

NB You will need javascript turned on in your web browser preferences and, because the technology that is used depends on web browser implementation of that technology, there are certain browsers the word processor will not work with. It will not work with Opera and probably doesn't work with Safari and Konqueror. It does work with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox and Mozilla (assuming you have up to date versions).

Select 'New Paper' from the 'Papers' menu to start writing. You will find a host of text formatting options and the possibility to insert citation tags or whole blocks of metadata (quotes and paraphrases) from the database. There is unlimited undo and redo of typing in addition to other features such as character/word count and uppercase <--> lowercase conversion. Papers are saved in the wikindx3/papers/ directory but you can also opt to download these files for safe keeping elsewhere and later import them back into WIKINDX.

Images can be inserted (either from a folder within your web server directory that is readable by WIKINDX or from an external URL). These images should be JPEG or PNG format unless you have ImageMagick on your server in which case WIKINDX will attempt to run ImageMagick's convert utility to convert GIF, TGA and BMP images to PNG.

You may get unexpected results if you attempt to nest tables and lists.

Once you have finished the paper you can export it to Rich Text Format in a bibliographic style of your choosing. All citation tags you have inserted will be formatted to the style you have chosen (in-text citations or endnote-style citations) and a bibliography will be appended as necessary.

Users should note that has some inconsistencies in its implimentation of Rich Text Format particularly where endnotes/footnotes are concerned. For example, modifying an endnote ID in the endnotes with, for example, brackets, will produce unexpected results. Later versions of WIKINDX will be able to export papers directly to's own format.

NB There is no auto-save or save prompt if you attempt another operation without saving.




wikindx  v3.4.7 ©2006 VST v 1.0     |     Total Resources:  611     |     Database queries:  9     |     Script execution:  0.07968 secs


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