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Internet Article: BibTeX citation key:  achterman.728
Achterman Doug (2007). « Beyond Wikipedia : Using Wikis to Connect Students and Teachers to the Research Process and to One Another ». Advancing Technology 2007. En ligne : <http://advancingtechnol ... g-wikis-to-connect.html> (consulté le 19 avril 2008).
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2008-01-24 17:29:40    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2008-05-10 09:14:05
Categories: 6. usages et pratiques pédagogiques
Keywords: enseignement / apprentissage, recherche d'information, wiki
Creators: Achterman
Collection: Advancing Technology 2007

Number of views:  1416
Popularity index:  11.8%

It is hard to work in a school library without believing in the power of constructivist learning. Every day teacher-librarians facilitate the process of articulating research questions, locating resources, organizing information from a variety of sources, and synthesizing that information to create new understandings. Some of the most exciting research happens when students collaborate to pool their research and analyze their data, forming a kind of understanding that would be difficult for an individual student to achieve.

The Read/Write Web, also called Web 2.0, offers powerful tools to aid in this kind of collaborative process. Applications such as blogs and wikis allow users to add content to a web page on the fly, generally with little or no knowledge of HTML coding required. And although blogs have gained some popularity and use in schools, the potential for wikis as an educational tool remains largely untapped. While the reasons for this are open to question, it is clear that it is not because students are uncomfortable with these new technologies. In fact, about half of all teens in the United States create some kind of content for the Internet. These activities include creating web pages, blogs, and wikis, as well as remixing content found online into something new (Lenhart & Madden, 2005).

Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

Five features of wikis that can make them an effective tool in facilitating collaborative efforts :
"Feature 1: Ease of use"
"Feature 2: Spaces for students to create products individually, in small groups, and as a whole group"
"Feature 3: Ability to create a nonlinear document structure through hyperlinks"
"Feature 4: A built-in mechanism for reflection and metacognition"
"Feature 5: A means of tracking individual, small group and whole group progress through assignment"
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

Faisant référence à plusieurs expériences, l'auteur avance l'hypothèse que l'usage des wikis s'accomode mal d'une formalisation trop forte en amont : un environnement très peu contraint, où les élèves sont encouragés à prendre le contrôle à la fois sur le contenu et sur le processus, est davantage susceptible de stimuler efficacement l'activité.
Cependant les compétences informationnelles ne sont pas innées ; l'enseignant intervient quand les élèves n'ont pas les compétences pour gérer seuls leur activité, en fournissant consignes, structure et soutien.
=> un équilibre à trouver donc.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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