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Proceedings Article: BibTeX citation key:  bowen.632
Bowen Jonathan, Lisney Eleanor, Filippini-Fantoni Silvia & Bernal Isabel (2007). « A Museums Wiki ». In Museums and the Web 2007, Archives & Museum Informatics, Toronto, 11-14 avril 2007 237.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2007-11-13 18:25:42
Categories: 6. usages et pratiques pédagogiques
Keywords: accès aux savoirs, communauté de pratique, enseignement / apprentissage, projet pédagogique, Wikipedia
Creators: Bearman, Bernal, Bowen, Filippini-Fantoni, Lisney, Trant
Publisher: Archives & Museum Informatics (Toronto)
Collection: Museums and the Web 2007

Number of views:  1287
Popularity index:  10.73%

Wikipedia is suitable, indeed recommended, for encyclopedic entries on all museums. However, further more extended use by museums for their own purposes is not encouraged or appropriate in general. If this is required, it is possible for a museum to set up its own wiki with suitable technical support. Alternatively, if support is not available, it is possible to use other external wiki facilities. A museums wiki has been set up expressly for this purpose and other experiments concerning museum-related information ( Museums and people interested in museums are encouraged to add to this wiki and promote community use of it. This demonstration will present this wiki facility and its contents, including its inter-relationship with Wikipedia, covering what has been achieved so far and also the potential for the future. We expect this wiki to be available for continuing use by museums, including Museums and the Web conference attendees, for the foreseeable future.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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