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Journal Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0306-4573 BibTeX citation key:  large.63
Large Andrew, Beheshti Jamshid, Breuleux Alain & Renaud André (1994). « A comparison of information retrieval from print and CD-ROM versions of an Encyclopedia by elementary school students ». Information Processing & Management, vol. 30, n° 4, p. 499–513.
Added by: Khatira Odin 2005-05-04 13:34:44    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-05-04 13:34:44
Categories: 6. usages et pratiques pédagogiques
Keywords: enseignement / apprentissage, recherche d'information
Creators: Beheshti, Breuleux, Large, Renaud
Collection: Information Processing & Management

Number of views:  980
Popularity index:  8.17%

Describes an experiment using 48 sixth-grade students to compare retrieval techniques using the print and CD-ROM versions of Compton's Encyclopedia. Four queries of different complexity (measured by the number of terms present) were searched by the students after a short training session. The searches were timed and the retrieval steps and search terms were noted. The searches were no faster on the CD-ROM than the print version, but in both cases time was related directly to the number of terms involved. The students coped well with the CD-ROM interface and its several retrieval paths.
Added by: Khatira Odin    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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