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Internet Article: BibTeX citation key:  prensky.612
Prensky Marc (2005). « Search Vs. Research : Or, the Fear of The Wikipedia Overcome by New Understanding for a Digital Era ». En ligne : <http://www.marcprensky. ... arch_vs_Research-01.pdf> (consultĂ© le 10 avril 2008).
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2007-09-03 10:57:24    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2008-05-10 09:26:22
Categories: débats et réflexions
Keywords: enseignement / apprentissage, rapport au savoir, recherche d'information, Wikipedia
Creators: Prensky

Number of views:  950
Popularity index:  7.92%

As soon as any new technology comes down the pike, be it TV, phones, cell phones, cameras, video cams, or the Wikipedia, the good old American school tradition is always ready… … to fear and ban it!
Never mind that new technologies give our kids access to whole new worlds—they may not worlds the teachers can control. Never mind that with cameras in their phones kids can collect and share visual data of all sorts, from their own faces to natural phenomena—someone might take a picture in the toilet. Never mind that kids have access to the Internet in their pocket—they might cheat. Never mind that we can finally, at no cost via webcams, share with parents, administrators and the world what goes on in our classrooms— someone’s privacy (particularly the teacher’s!) might be invaded.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi


Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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