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Proceedings Article: BibTeX citation key:  sanger.589
Sanger Larry (2006). « Why Make Room for Experts in Web 2.0? ». In SDForum : the business of new media, Santa Clara, 25 octobre 2006 218.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-12-15 16:25:09    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-12-15 16:25:09
Categories: 2. apports théoriques intelligence collective, hypermédia et web 2.0
Keywords: Citizendium, intelligence collective, standardisation, validation, web participatif, Wikipedia
Creators: Sanger
Publisher: (Santa Clara)
Collection: SDForum : the business of new media

Number of views:  1283
Popularity index:  10.69%

There's a bit of conventional wisdom about Web 2.0 that is wrong. According to this conventional wisdom, Web 2.0 involves bringing the power of publishing to the masses. It's all about harnessing the "wisdom of crowds" and not the wisdom of experts. So, a project that gives experts a special role couldn't be a Web 2.0 project--even if the expert's role were part of an online, open, dynamic, collaborative community.

This conventional wisdom is wrong. Experts can have a special and positive role in Web 2.0 projects, or so I'll argue. As we'll see, it's quite understandable why so many people dislike the idea of special experts in open, online collaboration. But, as it turns out, there is no good reason that Web 2.0 projects cannot make room for experts.

So this talk will be argumentative. I'm a philosopher, so it's probably going to sound a little like a philosophy paper. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'll begin with an explanation of what Web 2.0 is, as I understand it, and I'll explain what makes it work. Then I'll elaborate my claim that experts can and should be given special roles in Web 2.0 projects. Then I'll spend a lot of time replying to objections.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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