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Unpublished Work: BibTeX citation key:  kolbitsch.583
Kolbitsch Josef (2006). Authorship in Wikipedia. Graz, Austria : Graz University of Technology.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-12-01 16:22:38
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: auteurs / autorité / autoritativité, régulation, statistiques, travail collaboratif, wikipédiens, Wikipedia
Creators: Kolbitsch
Publisher: Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria)

Number of views:  1191
Popularity index:  9.92%

A recent development on the Web is Wikipedia, a free online encyclopaedia whose content can be edited by anyone on the Internet. Every reader can become an author and edit content — even anonymously. In this paper, the role of anonymous authors in Wikipedia is investigated. A set of data is collected for a pseudo-random sample of articles. The data includes the number of edits and the number of unique registered and anonymous users per article. First, this information is utilised to make general statements on the authorship in Wikipedia. In a second step, articles are arranged in classes in order to determine if articles covering topics perceived as “delicateâ€?, awkward, controversial or socially taboo show significantly different characteristics in authorship than “regularâ€? articles. Finally, articles are arranged in categories such as science and politics. The categories are analysed to find out if anonymous users work more actively in particular topics.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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