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Journal Article: BibTeX citation key:  coffin.558
Coffin Jill (2006). « Analysis of open source principles in diverse collaborative communities ». First Monday, vol. 11, n° 6.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-06-14 09:52:29
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: communauté de pratique, gouvernance, open source, Wikipedia
Creators: Coffin
Collection: First Monday

Number of views:  1291
Popularity index:  10.76%

Open source culture and practice emerged as software hackers took control over the production, ownership and distribution of their skilled work. This revolution, quiet and unnoticed by most, began over twenty years ago. Along the way, free and open source software hackers developed organizational and dialog structures to support their ethos, creating a successful model for collaboration. This paper applies traits common to successful free software and open source hacker communities as a framework to analyze three non–hacker collaborative communities.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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