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Proceedings Article: BibTeX citation key:  garcia.500
Garcia Limor (2005). « Cellphedia inspirations and future ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-21 18:31:53
Categories: 4. interfaces et modes de consultation
Keywords: Cellphedia
Creators: Garcia
Publisher: (Frankfurt, Germany)
Collection: Wikimania 2005

Number of views:  1284
Popularity index:  10.7%

Cellphedia is the first ubiquitous social encyclopedia.
Cellphedia started as a thesis project and turned into a full-functioning mobile-device service for all to use. It provides the ability to carry all the knowledge of the world in your pocket (well, almost). Users can register online, join specific groups of interests, and start using the service by sending each other text messages in the form of questions or answers.

Through exchange of Email messages with Samuel Klein (one of wikimania's organizers), he brought up the idea of cellphones screens becoming bigger and thus able to present larger amounts of text. I had a similar observation, but at the same time contemplated about the conflicting concept of making technology transparent. The attempt to make technology part of the ambient environment, is expressed through the design of smaller and thinner devices. Wikipedia contains expended definitions for which a larger mobile device would be suitable. In contrast, Cellphedia built with mobility and speed in mind, aims in keeping definitions very brief; thus, could be used with a smaller screen. Metaphorically, It's like taking slices of Wikipedia when you need to know quick facts on the run.

In my presentation, I have provided some examples of existing questions and their answers sent by Cellphedia users. I then presented those against wikipedia's definitions. This was an interesting exploration as I realized that many of Cellphedia's brief answers appeared within the first paragraph or even sentence of a Wikipedia definition respectively. The purpose of such comparison was to illustrate a fictional scenario where users may be able to receive brief answers to their questions through SMS by searching the many definitions on Wikipedia using their mobile devices.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

Further information may be found at:

Auteur : doctorant en télécommunications à l\'université de New York.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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