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Book: BibTeX citation key:  leggewie.494
Leggewie Robert (1990). Anthologie de la littérature française : Des origines à la fin du dix-huitième siècle. Oxford University Press.
Added by: Annie Feyfant 2006-03-17 14:44:06
Categories: 1. fondements du savoir encyclopédique
Keywords: Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert
Creators: Leggewie
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Number of views:  1106
Popularity index:  9.22%

Prepared entirely in French, the revised third edition of this widely used anthology is designed as a basic text for the college survey course in French literature and affords a rich selection of French poetry, prose, and drama from the Middle Age to the contemporary period. The new edition has been revised and expanded to incorporate a variety of new works in each volume, including Moliére'sLe Bourgeois gentilhomme , selections from De l'Allemagne and De la littérature by Mme de Staël, a chapter from Colette's La Chatte , a chapter from Les Mandarins by Simone de Beauvoir, and a chapter from Les Fruits d'or by Nathalie Sarraute. In addition, concise century-by-century introductions have been added, offering students a more immediate context for the selections.
Added by: Annie Feyfant



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