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Journal Article: BibTeX citation key:  achterman.477
Achterman Doug (2005). « Surviving Wikipedia : Improving Student Search Habits through Information Literacy and Teacher Collaboration ». Knowledge Quest, vol. 33, n° 5, p. 38–40.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-01-22 11:50:06    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2008-01-24 17:23:15
Categories: 6. usages et pratiques pédagogiques
Keywords: enseignement / apprentissage, recherche d'information, Wikipedia
Creators: Achterman
Collection: Knowledge Quest

Number of views:  1362
Popularity index:  11.35%

Ever since I read Stanley Wilder’s January article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “Information Literacy Makes All the Wrong Assumptions,� I can’t stop thinking about Wikipedia. Wilder calls information literacy “the wrong solution to the wrong problem facing librarianship.� He says that, “any educational philosophy is doomed to failure if it views students as information seekers in need of information training.� I think Wilder would find my recent experience illustrative (...)
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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