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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  041524059X BibTeX citation key:  dillon.449
Dillon A. (2004). Designing usable electronic text : ergonomics aspects of human information usage. Taylor & Francis.
Added by: Khatira Odin 2006-03-17 15:03:50    Last edited by: Annie Feyfant 2006-03-17 15:03:50
Categories: 4. interfaces et modes de consultation
Keywords: document électronique, ergonomie, hypertexte, interface, recherche d'information
Creators: Dillon
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Number of views:  1263
Popularity index:  10.55%

Poor design and a failure to consider the user often deter effective online communication. Designing Usable Electronic Text, Second Edition explores the human issues of information usage, emphasizing that usability is the main barrier to the electronic medium's campaign to gain mass acceptance. The book is a revision of the successful First Edition with a new emphasis on the Web and hypertext design and their impacts. With the emergence of new uses of information, such as e-commerce and telemedicine, text presentation will take on a new and greater importance. The focus on the design framework and its empirical approach make this a unique book.
Added by: Khatira Odin    Last edited by: Annie Feyfant

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