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Internet Article: BibTeX citation key:  anon.435
. « Wikipedia: Policies and guidelines ». En ligne : < ... Policies_and_guidelines> (consulté le 22 décembre 2005).
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-08 14:16:41    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-08 14:16:41
Categories: méta-Wikipedia
Keywords: gouvernance, Wikipedia

Number of views:  790
Popularity index:  6.58%

Wikipedia is a collaborative project and its founders and contributors have a common goal:
Our goal with Wikipedia is to create a reliable and free encyclopedia: The largest encyclopedia in history, in both breadth and depth.

Wikipedia has some policies and guidelines that help us to work toward that common goal. Some of these policies are still evolving, while others are long settled and largely uncontroversial.

While our policies continue to evolve, many Wikipedians feel that written rules are inherently inadequate to cover every possible variation of disruptive or malevolent behavior. For example, a user who acts against the spirit of our written policies might be reprimanded even if the letter of the rules has not been violated. Those who edit in good faith, show civility, seek consensus, and work towards the goal of creating an impartial encyclopedia, should find a welcoming environment. (...)
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi



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