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Magazine Article: BibTeX citation key:  terdiman.425
Terdiman Daniel. 8 mars 2005. Wiki Becomes a Way of Life. Wired News
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-12-18 17:20:04
Categories: débats et réflexions
Keywords: wikipédiens, Wikipedia
Creators: Terdiman
Collection: Wired News

Number of views:  709
Popularity index:  5.92%

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, has 490,000 articles -- in English alone. All together, including its French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish and many other versions, it has well over 1.3 million entries.
But without its 16,000 contributors, Wikipedia would be about as useful as a moldy 1978 edition of Encyclopedia Americana. With them, Wikipedia has become the world's largest effort of its kind, and one that is compared to Encyclopedia Britannica in terms of quality and breadth. (...)
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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