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Magazine Article: BibTeX citation key:  holtz.406
Holtz Shel. 13 décembre 2005. I'm Going To Sue The Internet. Webpronews
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-09 09:51:41    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-09 09:51:41
Categories: débats et réflexions
Keywords: aspects juridiques, Wikipedia
Creators: Holtz
Collection: Webpronews

Number of views:  1161
Popularity index:  9.68%

About eight or nine years ago, I was brought into a midwest financial institution to, among other things, speak with the executive team about the Internet.

My goal was to help them understand the Net's importance to business. Among other things, I showed them some unfavorable Usenet newsgroup posts about the company. The CEO was aghast. Seeing the CEO's reaction, the general counsel stood up and said, "Don't worry, sir. I'm going to sue the Internet." (...)
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi



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