Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN

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Book Chapter: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  3-540-19985-3 BibTeX citation key:  kahn.362
Kahn Paul (1995). « Global and Local Hypermedia Design in the Encyclopaedia Africana. ». In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design. New York : Springer Verlag, p. 109–122.
Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-07 17:39:04
Categories: 4. interfaces et modes de consultation
Keywords: hypermedia
Creators: Kahn
Publisher: Springer Verlag (New York)
Collection: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design

Number of views:  1042
Popularity index:  8.7%

The tradition of presenting information on the printed page assumes a single location for each piece of information within a collection and an implicit linear order. It also limits the information to what can be presented with ink on paper, excluding audio, video and animated graphics. Hypermedia technology offers new possibilities of content and organization to the author and navigation to the reader. With these new possibilities come new design challenges. The designer must create a structure flexible enough to express the fluid nature of hypermedia, while still clear enough to guide the reader's navigation. This is best accomplished by understanding the need for global and local design structures in hypermedia publications. We explain this in terms of our design for a prototype electronic encyclopedia of African and African-American culture, the Encyclopaedia Africana.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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