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Journal Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0001-0782 BibTeX citation key:  huser.349
Hüser Christoph, Reichenberger Klaus, Rostek Lothar & Streitz Norbert (1995). « Knowledge-based editing and visualization for hypermedia encyclopedias ». Communications of the ACM, vol. 38, n° 4, p. 49–51.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-11-04 15:59:03
Categories: 3. informatisation et mutations technologiques
Creators: Hüser, Reichenberger, Rostek, Streitz
Collection: Communications of the ACM

Number of views:  769
Popularity index:  6.41%

(...) At the Integrated Publications and Information Systems Institute (GMD-IPSI) in Darmstadt, Germany,we are developing concepts and tools supporting
the production and use of innovative publication products as flexibly compiled cross-sectional information collections. These efforts are part of the Europublishing project which is funded by the European R&D program RACE II. As a concrete application, we use the Dictionary of Art which is to be published this year by Macmillan Publishers Ltd., U.K., as a 34-volume print edition. More than 6,000 authors and 50 editors have been involved in its conventional publication process for over 15 years. Our research focuses on providing support for the complex and demanding editorial work and on the presentation of hypermedia publications. (...)
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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