Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN

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Internet Article: BibTeX citation key:  binkley.254
Binkley Peter. « COMERS Encyclopedia Project Working Bibliography ». En ligne : < ... 96/encyclo/bibindex.htm> (consulté le 19 septembre 2005).
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-09-19 14:57:11
Categories: bibliographies / webographies
Keywords: ressources scientifiques
Creators: Binkley

Number of views:  1139
Popularity index:  9.49%

Bibliographie élaborée à l'occasion du congrès international sur les "Pre-Modern Encyclopedic Texts" qui s'est tenu en juillet 1996 à l'Université de Groningen (Pays Bas), dans le cadre du projet COMERS conduit par l'Institute for Classical, Oriental, Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

The culmination of the institute's Encyclopedia project, this congress will deal with a wide range of encyclopedic texts, from the lexical lists of the ancient Near East, through early medieval Syriac compilations, studies of particular medieval encyclopedias, and studies of the "encyclopedic culture" of the later Middle Ages and Renaissance, as embodied in, for example, collections of moralised lore, bestiaries, handbooks, cosmographic treatises, etc.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi



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