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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-674-08785-2 BibTeX citation key:  darnton.217
Darnton Robert (1979). Business of Enlightenment : A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie 1775-1800. Cambridge (Mass.) and London : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-03-17 09:30:22    Last edited by: Annie Feyfant 2006-03-17 09:30:22
Categories: 1. fondements du savoir encyclopédique, 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert
Creators: Darnton
Publisher: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (Cambridge (Mass.) and London)

Number of views:  2452
Popularity index:  20.44%

Edition originale de l'ouvrage traduit en français :
L'Aventure de l'Encyclopédie 1775-1800. Un best-seller au siècle des Lumières, traduit par Marie-Alys Revellat, Paris, Perrin, 1982. Réédité en collection "Points Seuil" en 1992.

1. Introduction : The biography of a book

2. The genesis of a speculation in publishing
- The Neuchâtel reprint plan
- From the reprint to the revised edition
- Joseph Duplain and his quarto Encyclopédie
- Publishing, politics and Panckouke
- From the revised edition to the quarto
- The Paris conference of 1777
- The basis of a bonne affaire

3. Juggling edition
- The "second edition"
- The origins of the "third edition"
- Imbroglios
- The Neuchâtel imprint
- Opening gambits and the final negotiations
- Duel by Lettre ostensible
- The last turn of the screw

4. Piracy and trade war
- Pirate raids
- The octavo publishers an their Encyclopédie
- The origins of the quarto-octavo war
- The final failure of diplomacy
- Open war
- Pourparlers for peace
- A drôle de paix

5. Bookmaking
- Strains on the production system
- Procuring paper
- Copy
- Recruiting workers
- Setting wages
- Pacing work and managing labor
- Printing : technology and the human element

6. Diffusion
- Managerial problems and polemies
- Marketing
- Booksellers
- Prices and consumers
- The sales pattern
- Subscribers, a case study
- Diffusion in France
- Diffusion outside France
- Reading

7. Settling accounts
- The hidden schism of 1778
- A preliminary règlement de comptes
- The feud between Duplain and the STN
- Marketing maneuvers
- The Perrin affair
- The anatomy of a swindle
- The final confrontation in Lyons
- Dénouement
- Epilogue

8. The ultimate Encyclopédie
- The origins of the Encyclopédie méthodique
- The climaetic moment in Enlightenment publishing
- The Liegeois settlement
- Panckouke's conception og the supreme Encyclopédie
- Panckouke as an editor
- The authors of the Méthodique
- Two generations of encyclopedists
- From Voltairianism to professionalism
- Launching the biggest book of the century

9. Encyclopedism, capitalism and revolution
- Panckouke's folly
- From encyclopedism to jacobinism
- An Enlightenment publisher in a cultural revolution
- The last of the encyclopedists

10. Conclusion
- The production and diffusion of Enlightenment
- Enlightenment publishing and the spirit of capitalism
- The Encyclopédie and the state
- The cultural revolution
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Annie Feyfant



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