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Journal Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0306-4573 BibTeX citation key:  ostroff.187
Ostroff Daniel & Shneiderman Ben (1988). « Selection devices for user of an electronic encyclopedia: An empirical comparison of four possibilities ». Information Processing & Management, vol. 24, n° 6, p. 665–680.
Added by: Khatira Odin 2005-06-10 09:45:01
Categories: 3. informatisation et mutations technologiques
Creators: Ostroff, Shneiderman
Collection: Information Processing & Management

Number of views:  876
Popularity index:  7.3%

This study measured the speed, error rates, and subjective evaluation of arrow-jump keys, a jump-mouse, number keys, and a touch screen in an interactive encyclopedia. A summary of previous studies comparing selection devices and strategies is presented to provide the background for this study. We found the touch screen to be the fastest in time, the least accurate but the overall favorite of the participants. The results are discussed and improvements are suggested accordingly.
Added by: Khatira Odin

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