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Journal Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  1534-0937 BibTeX citation key:  crawford.175
Crawford Walt (2005). « Perspective: Wikipedia and Worth [revisited] ». Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, vol. 5, n° 3, p. 11–19.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-06-02 14:50:06
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: Wikipedia
Creators: Crawford
Collection: Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large

Number of views:  1122
Popularity index:  9.35%

Cites & Insights 4:12 (October 2004) included PERSPECTIVE:
WIKIPEDIA AND WORTH, based on a test in
which Alex Halavais changed a baker’s dozen worth of
Wikipedia entries and described the results—and on a
whole bunch of commentaries for and against
Wikipedia. Site statistics show that 4:12 was
downloaded by more unique visitors than any other
issue during 2004, so most of you may already have
read that essay.
The controversy over Wikipedia didn’t stop.
There’s been enough action since then, in the web
community and on library lists, that it makes sense to
revisit the scene. I am quoting from library lists in this
case, albeit selectively—noting that these lists are
open for anyone to join and review the archives.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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