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Proceedings Article: BibTeX citation key:  lih.107
Lih Andrew « The Foundations of Participatory Journalism and the Wikipedia Project ». In AEJMC Convention, Association for education in journalism and mass communication (AEJMC), Toronto, Canada, août 2004 50.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-10-22 23:24:42    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-10-22 23:24:42
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: journalisme, Wikipedia
Creators: Lih
Publisher: Association for education in journalism and mass communication (AEJMC) (Toronto, Canada)
Collection: AEJMC Convention

Number of views:  1239
Popularity index:  10.32%

This paper investigates the evolution of many-to-many online participatory
journalism, by focusing on the case of Wikipedia, a multilingual, online encyclopedia created collaboratively by thousands of ordinary Internet users. By allowing anyone to edit any page within the web site, Wikipedia has flourished by presenting a low barrier to participation, maintaining a human-centered working environment and making contributors stakeholders in the journalistic effort.
In just three years, it has gained a large following and is available in over 50
different languages. This paper analyzes its fundamental links to the open source movement, emergence as a unique online community and role in the modern media ecology. It concludes with an interpretation of participatory journalism as an ecosystem of technology, community and content.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi



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