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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Crawford Walt (2004). « Perspective: Wikipedia and Worth ». Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, vol. 4, n° 12.
Pop. 10.38%
Erpicum Martin M. E. (2005). D'Amour et de Neutralité : Ce(ux) qui résiste(nt). [thesis de master's]. Liège (Belgium) : Université de Liège.
Pop. 14.52%
Lorenzen Michael (2006). « Vandals, Administrators, and Sockpuppets, Oh My! An Ethnographic Study of Wikipedia’s Handling of Problem Behavior ». MLA Forum, vol. 5, n° 2.
Pop. 8.53%
Priedhorsky Reid, Chen Jilin & Lam Shyong K. et al. (2007). « Creating, Destroying, and Restoring Value in Wikipedia ». In 2007 International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 4-7 novembre 2007.
Pop. 9.72%