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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Freinet Célestin (1994). « L'école moderne française ». In Oeuvres pédagogiques. Vol. 2. Paris : Seuil.
Pop. 9.23%
Hoorn Esther & van Hoorn Dore (2007). « Critical assessment of using wikis in legal education ». Journal of Information, Law and Technology, n° 1.
Pop. 10.42%
Konieczny Piotr (2007). « Wikis and Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool ». International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, vol. 4, n° 1.
Pop. 9.16%
Lawler Cormac (2005). « Wikipedia as a learning community : Content, conflict and the âcommon goodâ ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, aoĂ»t 2005 122.
Pop. 9.43%
Lawler Cormac (2005). Wikipedia as a learning community. [dissertation de master's]. Manchester : University of Manchester.
Pop. 9.81%
Scardamalia Marlene & Bereiter Carl (1996). « Computer Support for Knowledge-Building ». In Koschmann Timothy (dir.). Cscl: Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Pop. 8.82%
Wenger Etienne (1999). Communities of Practice : Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge University Press.
Pop. 9.93%