Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Benkler Yochai (2006). The Wealth of Networks : How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom. New Haven : Yale University Press. v  Pop. 11.06%
Davidson Cathy N. mars 2007. We Can't Ignore the Influence of Digital Technologies. Chronicle of higher education v  Pop. 10.77%
Guillaud Hubert & Cardon Dominique. 1 juin 2005. L'innovation ascendante. Internetactu v  Pop. 10.68%
Keen Andrew (2007). The Cult of the Amateur : How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture. Doubleday Publishing. v  Pop. 12.21%
Maurer Stephen, Rai Arti & Sali Andrej (2004). « Finding Cures for Tropical Diseases : Is Open Source an Answer? ». PloS Med, vol. 1, n° 3. v  Pop. 10.93%
de Rosnay Joël & Revelli Carlo (2006). La révolte du Pronétariat : Des mass média aux média des masses. Fayard. v  Pop. 10.35%
Sanger Larry (2005). « The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia : A Memoir ». In DiBona Chris, Stone Mark & Cooper Danese (dir.). Open Sources 2.0 : The Continuing Evolution. O'Reilly Media, Inc. v  Pop. 10.61%
Senabre Hidalgo Enric (2007). « Stigmergy, meritocracy and vandalism in peer-production : How can wikis grow ». In Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 Conference, 5-7 septembre 2007. v  Pop. 10.66%
Strahilevitz Lior J. (2007). « Wealth Without Markets? ». Yale Law Journal, vol. 116, n° 7, p. 1472–1516. v  Pop. 10.03%
Sunstein Cass R. (2007). 2.0. Princeton University Press. v  Pop. 11.31%
Tapscott Don & Williams Anthony D. (2007). Wikinomics : Wikipédia, Linux, YouTube... Comment l'intelligence collaborative bouleverse l'économie. Pearson Education. v  Pop. 10.76%
Von Hippel Eric (2005). Democratizing Innovation. The MIT Press. v  Pop. 11.3%


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