Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Benkler Yochai (2002). « Coase's penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm ». The Yale Law Jounal, vol. 112, n° 3, p. 369–446. v  Pop. 9.78%
Benkler Yochai (2006). The Wealth of Networks : How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom. New Haven : Yale University Press. v  Pop. 10.97%
Bonabeau Eric & Theraulaz Guy (2000). « L’intelligence en essaim ». Pour la science, n° 271, p. 66–73. v  Pop. 9.03%
Bruns Axel (2008). Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life and Beyond : From Production to Produsage. Francfort : Peter Lang. v  Pop. 10.94%
Bush Vannevar. juillet 1945. As we may think. The Atlantic Monthly v  Pop. 10.6%
Callon Michel, Lascoumes Pierre & Barthe Yannick (2001). Agir dans un monde incertain : Essai sur la dĂ©mocratie technique. Paris : Seuil. v  Pop. 9.62%
Castells Manuel (2001). La Galaxie Internet. Fayard. V  Pop. 10.49%
(2006). Dossier HypermĂ©dia et apprentissages. Paris : Educnet. v  Pop. 9.56%
Jenkins Henry (2006). Convergence Culture : Where Old and New Media Collide. New York : New York University Press. v  Pop. 9.34%
Kolbitsch Josef & Maurer Hermann (2006). « The Transformation of the Web : How Emerging Communities Shape the Information we Consume ». Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 12, n° 2, p. 187–213. v  Pop. 11.41%
LĂ©vy Pierre (1990). Les technologies de l'intelligence. Paris : La DĂ©couverte. v  Pop. 9.25%
Lessig Lawrence (2006). Code version 2.0. Basic Books. v  Pop. 11.09%
Linard Monique (1996). Des machines et des hommes : Apprendre avec les nouvelles technologies. Paris : L'Harmattan. V  Pop. 11.29%
(2007). Participative Web and User-Created Content : Web 2.0, Wikis and Social Networking. Paris : OCDE. v  Pop. 7.95%
Pisani Francis & Piotet Dominique (2008). Comment le web change le monde : L'alchimie des multitudes. Village mondial. v  Pop. 6.91%
Poe Marshall. septembre 2006. The Hive. The Atlantic Monthly v  Pop. 7.27%
Strahilevitz Lior J. (2007). « Wealth Without Markets? ». Yale Law Journal, vol. 116, n° 7, p. 1472–1516. v  Pop. 9.89%
Sunstein Cass R. (2007). 2.0. Princeton University Press. v  Pop. 11.25%
Sunstein Cass R. (2006). Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge. Oxford University Press. v  Pop. 8.43%
Surowiecki James (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds : Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. Doubleday Publishing. v  Pop. 8.21%


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