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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Cedergren Magnus (2003). « Open content and value creation ». First Monday, vol. 8, n° 8.
Pop. 7.1%
Chesney Thomas (2006). « An empirical examination of Wikipedia’s credibility ». First Monday, vol. 11, n° 11.
Pop. 10.79%
Ciffolilli Andrea (2003). « Phantom Authority, Self-Selective Recruitment and Retention of Members in Virtual Communities: The Case of Wikipedia ». First Monday, vol. 8, n° 12.
Pop. 9.69%
Coffin Jill (2006). « Analysis of open source principles in diverse collaborative communities ». First Monday, vol. 11, n° 6.
Pop. 10.82%
Duguid Paul (2006). « Limits of self–organization : Peer production and "laws of quality"? ». First Monday, vol. 11, n° 10.
Pop. 11.16%
Head Alison J. & Eisenberg Michael B. (2010). « How today’s college students use Wikipedia for course-related research ». First Monday, vol. 15, n° 3.
Pop. 5.18%
Masum Hassan & Zhang Yi–Cheng (2004). « Manifesto for the Reputation Society ». First Monday, vol. 9, n° 7.
Pop. 9.94%
Nielsen Finn Årup (2007). « Scientific citations in Wikipedia ». First Monday, vol. 12, n° 8.
Pop. 10.5%
Pang Alex Soojung-Kim (1998). « The Work of the Encyclopedia in the Age of Electronic Reproduction ». First Monday, vol. 3, n° 9.
Pop. 7.87%
Wilkinson Dennis M. & Huberman Bernardo A. (2007). « Assessing the value of cooperation in Wikipedia ». First Monday, vol. 12, n° 4.
Pop. 8.83%
Willinsky John (2007). « What open access research can do for Wikipedia? ». First Monday, vol. 12, n° 3.
Pop. 8.14%