Wikibibliographie ENCYCLEN

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Displaying 51 - 93 of 93 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
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Jenkins Henry (2007). « What Wikipedia Can Teach us about the New Media Literacies ». Confessions of an Aca-Fan. En ligne : < ... ia_can_teach_us_ab.html> (consulté le 10 mai 2008). v  Pop. 7.83%
Konieczny Piotr (2007). « Wikis and Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool ». International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, vol. 4, n° 1. v  Pop. 9.11%
Kruschwitz Udo (2005). Intelligent Document Retrieval : Exploiting Markup Structure. Dordrecht : Springer. v  Pop. 8.85%
Lamb Brian (2004). « Wide Open Spaces : Wikis, Ready or Not ». Educause Review, vol. 39, n° 5, p. 36–48. v  Pop. 7.64%
Large Andrew, Beheshti Jamshid, Breuleux Alain & Renaud André (1994). « A comparison of information retrieval from print and CD-ROM versions of an Encyclopedia by elementary school students ». Information Processing & Management, vol. 30, n° 4, p. 499–513. v  Pop. 8.12%
Laurendeau Paul (2002). « Accès électronique à l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et D’Alembert : Investigation méthodique d’un maquis intellectuel ». Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encyclopédie, vol. 31-32, p. 149–160. v  Pop. 10.18%
Lawler Cormac (2005). Wikipedia as a learning community. [dissertation de master's]. Manchester : University of Manchester. v  Pop. 9.76%
Lawler Cormac (2005). « Wikipedia as a learning community : Content, conflict and the ‘common good’ ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122. v  Pop. 9.38%
Legros Denis, Pudelko Béatrice, Crinon Jacques & Tricot André (2000). « Effets des systèmes et des outils multimédia sur la cognition, l'apprentissage et l'enseignement : Une articulation nécessaire entre la recherche théorique et la pratique de terrain ». Education et Formations, n° 56. v  Pop. 6.91%
Lund Andreas & Smørdal Ole (2006). « Is there a space for the teacher in a Wiki? ». In WikiSym '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Wikis. New York : ACM Press, p. 37–46. v  Pop. 8.39%
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Marchionini Gary (1997). Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. Cambridge University Press. v  Pop. 5.39%
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Michel Christine, Garrot Elise & George Sébastien (2007). « Instrumented Collective Learning Situations (ICLS) : The gap between theoretical research and observed practices ». In Crawford Caroline, Willis Dee Anna & Carlsen Roger et al. (dir.). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007. Norfolk, VA : AACE, p. 895–901. v  Pop. 8.81%
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Parker Kevin R. & Chao Joseph T. (2007). « Wiki as a Teaching Tool ». Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, vol. 3, p. 52–72. V  Pop. 10.1%
Pérez-Garcia Margarita (2006). « WikiEducation : pas de co-construction sans éducation aux médias ! ». eduCarnaval, n° 2. En ligne : < ... ns-education-aux-medias> (consulté le 24 janvier 2008). v  Pop. 6.36%
Pearce Jason (2007). « Using Wikis in Education ». The Science of Spectroscopy. En ligne : <http://www.scienceofspe ... Using_wiki_in_education> (consulté le 10 mai 2008). v  Pop. 7.63%
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Pellerin Pascale (1998). Lectures et images de Diderot de l'Encyclopédie à la fin de la révolution. [thesis de doctoral]. Tours : Université de Tours. v  Pop. 5.32%
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Rainie Lee & Tancer Bill (2007). Wikipedia users. Washington : Pew Internet & American Life Project. v  Pop. 12.12%
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Reinhold Silvan & Abawi Daniel F. (2006). « Concepts for Extending Wiki Systems to Supplement Collaborative Learning ». In Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Edutainment. Berlin : Springer, p. 755–767. v  Pop. 10.57%
Reinhold Silvan (2006). « WikiTrails : Augmenting Wiki structure for collaborative, interdisciplinary learning ». In WikiSym '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Wikis. New York : ACM Press, p. 47–58. v  Pop. 10.94%
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Scardamalia Marlene & Bereiter Carl (1996). « Computer Support for Knowledge-Building ». In Koschmann Timothy (dir.). Cscl: Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. v  Pop. 8.76%
Schaffert Sebastian, Bischof Diana & Bürger Tobias et al. (2006). « Learning with semantic wikis ». In Völkel Max & Schaffert Sebastian (dir.). Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Wikis : From Wiki to Semantics. p. 109–123. v  Pop. 7.72%
Senteni Alain, Aubé Michel & Dufresne Aude (2001). « Un modèle de support au travail collaboratif dans un centre virtuel d'apprentissage ». In de Vries Erica, Pernin Jean-Philippe & Peyrin Jean-Pierre (dir.). Hypermédias et apprentissages 5 : Actes du cinquième colloque. Paris : EPI / INRP. v  Pop. 6.82%
Spink Amanda & Cole Charles (dir.) ([in press]). New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval. Dordrecht : Springer. v  Pop. 8.97%
Tancer Bill (2007). « State of the Web 2.0: Measuring the Participatory Web ». In Web 2.0 Expo, 15-18 avril 2007. V  Pop. 9.13%
Tunsch Thomas (2007). « Museum Documentation and : Possibilities, opportunities and advantages for scholars and museums ». In Museums and the Web 2007, Archives & Museum Informatics, Toronto, 11-14 avril 2007 237. v  Pop. 8.52%
Varnhagen Connie, Daniels Jason & Takach Bonnie Sadler (2002). « Children's Visual Representation of Information Presented in Print and CD-ROM Encyclopedias : Implications for Research-based Design ». In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Norfolk, VA : AACE, p. 1703–1704. v  Pop. 4.95%
Waters Neil L. (2007). « Why you can't cite Wikipedia in my class ». Communications of the ACM, vol. 50, n° 9, p. 15–17. v  Pop. 4.1%
Wenger Etienne (1999). Communities of Practice : Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge University Press. V  Pop. 9.87%
West James A. & West Margaret L. (2008). Using Wikis for Online Collaboration : The Power of the Read-Write Web. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass. v  Pop. 6.37%
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Wishart Jocelyn (2000). « Students'€™ and Teachers'€™ Perceptions of Motivation and Learning Through the Use in Schools of Multimedia Encyclopaedias on CD-ROM ». Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, vol. 9, n° 4, p. 331–345. v  Pop. 5.77%
Zammit Katina (2000). « Looking, Looking, Looking : Students' search strategies using an encyclopedia CDROM program ». In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2000. Norfolk, VA : AACE, p. 1215–1220. v  Pop. 6.42%

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