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Displaying 1 - 50 of 73 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Adler Thomas B. & de Alfaro Luca (2007). « A Content-Driven Reputation System for the Wikipedia ». In 16th International World Wide Web Conference, 8-12 mai 2007. v  Pop. 11.19%
Adler Thomas B., Benterou Jason & Chatterjee Krishnendu et al. (2007). Assigning Trust To Wikipedia Content. Santa Cruz, CA, USA : University of California. v  Pop. 9.84%
Ahn David, Jijkoun Valentin & Mishne Gilad et al. (2004). « Using Wikipedia at the TREC QA Track ». In Proceedings of the 13th Text Retrieval Conference, 16-19 novembre 2004. v  Pop. 10.29%
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Bilac Slaven, Baldwin Timothy & Tanaka Hozumi (2002). « Bringing the dictionary to the user : The FOKS system ». In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computational linguistics. Morristown, NJ, USA : Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), p. 85–91. v  Pop. 10.04%
Bonnel Nicolas, Cotarmanac'h Alexandre & Morin Annie « Gestion et visualisation des résultats d'une requête ». In 5èmes Journées francophones d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances 2005. v  Pop. 9.64%
Bonnel Nicolas, Cotarmanac'h Alexandre & Morin Annie « Visualisation 3D des résultats de recherche : quel avenir? ». In Hypermedias, Hypertexts, Products, Tools and Methods 2005. v  Pop. 10.55%
Brenton-Haden Sally & Takach Bonnie Sadler (2002). « Children's Participation in the Design of an Interactive Encyclopedia : An Exploration of Cooperative Inquiry ». In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Norfolk, VA : AACE, p. 1701–1702. v  Pop. 10.94%
Brun Caroline, Jacquemin Bernard & Segond Frédérique (2001). « Exploitation de dictionnaires électroniques pour la désambiguïsation sémantique lexicale ». Traitement automatique des langues, vol. 42, n° 3, p. 667–691. v  Pop. 11.39%
(2002). « Computer Helping People with Special Needs ». Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 2398. v  Pop. 24.18%
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Denoyer Ludovic & Gallinari Patrick (2006). « The Wikipedia XML corpus ». SIGIR Forum, vol. 40, n° 1, p. 64–69. v  Pop. 18.3%
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Diaz Paloma (2003). « Usability of Hypermedia Educational e-Books ». D-Lib Magazine, vol. 9, n° 3. v  Pop. 6.65%
Dillon A. (2004). Designing usable electronic text : ergonomics aspects of human information usage. Taylor & Francis. v  Pop. 10.45%
Dumet Marianne (1992). Création d'une encyclopédie hypertextuelle sur le "document électronique". [thesis de doctoral]. Paris : Université Paris 8. v  Pop. 9.57%
Esser Wolfram M. (2004). « Fault-tolerant Fulltext Search for Large Multilingual Scientific Text Corpora ». Journal of Digital Information, vol. 6, n° 1. v  Pop. 6.13%
Fissaha Adafre Sisay & de Rijke Maarten (2006). « Finding Similar Sentences across Multiple Languages in Wikipedia ». In 11th Conference on the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 3-7 avril 2006. Trento, Italy : v  Pop. 7.71%
Fissaha Adafre Sisay, Jijkoun Valentin & de Rijke Maarten (2007). « Fact Discovery in Wikipedia ». In 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, novembre 2007. v  Pop. 9.8%
Fujii Atsushi & Ishikawa Tetsuya (2004). « Summarizing Encyclopedic Term Descriptions on the Web ». In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. p. 645–651. v  Pop. 5.25%
Gabrilovich Evgeniy & Markovitch Shaul (2006). « Overcoming the Brittleness Bottleneck using Wikipedia : Enhancing Text Categorization with Encyclopedic Knowledge ». In Proceedings of the 21st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Boston, MA 2006 210, p. 1301–1306. v  Pop. 9.61%
Gabrilovich Evgeniy & Markovitch Shaul (2007). « Computing Semantic Relatedness using Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis ». In Proceedings of The Twentieth International Joint Conference for Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India 2007 209. v  Pop. 20.02%
Garcia Limor (2005). « Cellphedia inspirations and future ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122. v  Pop. 10.03%
Hamilton B. (November 2003). « Comparison of the different electronic versions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: a usability study ». The Electronic Library, vol. 21, n° 6, p. 546–554. v  Pop. 8.08%
Harth Andreas, Gassert Hannes & O'Murchu Ina et al. (2005). « WikiOnt : An Ontology for Describing and Exchanging Wikipedia Articles ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122. v  Pop. 9.38%
Herr Bruce & Holloway Todd (2007). « An Emergent Mosaic of Wikipedian Activity ». In International Workshop and Conference on Network Science, 20-25 mai 2007. v  Pop. 10.8%
Hodgkin Adam (2001). « Reference books on the web ». Ariadne, n° 30. v  Pop. 6.84%
Holloway Todd, Božievi Miran & Börner Katy (2005). Analyzing and Visualizing the Semantic Coverage of Wikipedia and Its Authors. Bloomington : Indiana University. v  Pop. 11.88%
Hovy Eduard, Gerber Laurie & Hermjakob Ulf « Question Answering in Webclopedia ». In 9th Text REtrieval Conference 2000. v  Pop. 9.78%
Jacquemin Bernard (2003). Construction et interrogation de la structure informationnelle d'une base documentaire en français. [thesis de doctoral]. Lyon : Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Institut des Sciences Cognitives. v  Pop. 10.05%
Jacquemin Bernard (2004). « Analyse et expansion des textes en question-réponse ». In Actes des 7èmes journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles. Vol. 2. Louvain-La-Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain, p. 1219–1230. v  Pop. 7.92%
Jacquemin Bernard (2005). « Dictionaries merger for text expansion in question answering ». In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. v  Pop. 8.09%
Jacquemin Christian, Folch Helka, Garcia Kareen & Nugier Sylvaine (2005). « Visualisation interactive d'espaces documentaires ». Information - Interaction - Intelligence, vol. 5, n° 1. v  Pop. 9.47%
Jalkanen Janne (2005). « DavWiki : The next step of WikiRPC Interfaces? ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122. v  Pop. 9.36%
Jijkoun Valentin & de Rijke Maarten (2007). « WiQA : Evaluating Multi-lingual Focused Access to Wikipedia ». In The 1st International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access, 15 mai 2007, p. 54–61. V  Pop. 9.99%
Kahn Paul (1995). « Global and Local Hypermedia Design in the Encyclopaedia Africana. ». In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design. New York : Springer Verlag, p. 109–122. v  Pop. 8.67%
Kakehi Naoyuki, Tsuchiya Hana & Fujimoto Tsuyoshi et al. (2002). « Development and Application of CyberPedia : A New Platform for Internet-based Collaborative Encyclopedias for K-12 Education ». In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Norfolk, VA : AACE, p. 900–901. v  Pop. 6.69%
Kittur Aniket, Suh Bongwon, Pendleton Bryan A. & Chi Ed H. (2007). « He says, she says : Conflict and coordination in Wikipedia ». In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. New York : ACM Press, p. 453–462. v  Pop. 10.07%
Krötzsch Markus, Vrandecic Denny & Völkel Max (2005). « Wikipedia and the Semantic Web : The Missing Links ». In Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, août 2005 122. v  Pop. 11.43%
Krizhanovsky Andrew A. (2006). « Synonym search in Wikipedia : Synarcher ». In 11th International Conference "Speech and Computer", 25-29 juin 2006. v  Pop. 11.21%
Krowne Aaron (2003). « Building a Digital Library the Commons-based Peer Production Way ». D-Lib Magazine, vol. 9, n° 10. v  Pop. 7.04%
Lagus Krista, Kaski Samuel & Kohonen Teuvo (2004). « Mining massive document collections by the WEBSOM method ». Information Sciences, vol. 163, n° 1-3, p. 135–156. v  Pop. 10.75%
Landow George P. (1994). « What's a Critic to Do? Critical Theory in the Age of Hypertext ». In Hyper / Text / Theory. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press. v  Pop. 8.43%
Lin Chin-Yew (2002). « Effectiveness of dictionary and web-based answer reranking ». In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computational linguistics. Morristown, NJ, USA : Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). v  Pop. 8.36%
Lobin Henning & Witt Andreas (1999). « Semantic and Thematic Navigation in Electronic Encyclopedias ». In Proceedings of the 3rd ICCC / IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing : Redefining the Information Chain - New Ways & Voices. Washington : ICCC Press, p. 60–67. v  Pop. 8.38%
Marcoux Yves (1994). « Les formats normalisés de documents électroniqes ». ICO Québec, vol. 6, n° 1-2, p. 56–65. v  Pop. 8.66%
McGuinness Deborah L., Zeng Honglei & da Silva Paulo Pinheiro et al. (2006). « Investigations into Trust for Collaborative Information Repositories : A Wikipedia Case Study ». In Proceedings of the WWW'06 Workshop on Models of Trust for the Web (MTW'06), 263. v  Pop. 8.63%
Michard A. & Pham-Dac G. (1998). « Description of Collections and Encyclopaedias on the Web using XML ». Archives and Museum Informatics, vol. 12, n° 1, p. 39–79. v  Pop. 6.63%
Mihalcea Rada (2007). « Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation ». In Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Association for Computational Linguistics, avril 2007 282, p. 196–203. v  Pop. 8.14%

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