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Journal Article: BibTeX citation key:  pfeil.667
Pfeil Ulrike, Zaphiris Panayiotis & Ang Chee Siang (October 2006). « Cultural Differences in Collaborative Authoring of Wikipedia ». Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 12, n° 1, p. 88–113.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2007-11-22 06:38:10    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2007-11-22 06:48:56
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: multilinguisme, régulation, travail collaboratif, Wikipedia
Creators: Ang, Pfeil, Zaphiris
Collection: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Number of views:  1048
Popularity index:  8.74%

This article explores the relationship between national culture and computer-mediated communication (CMC) in Wikipedia. The articles on the topic game from the French, German, Japanese, and Dutch Wikipedia websites were studied using content analysis methods. Correlations were investigated between patterns of contributions and the four dimensions of cultural influences proposed by Hofstede (Power Distance, Collectivism versus Individualism, Femininity versus Masculinity, and Uncertainty Avoidance). The analysis revealed cultural differences in the style of contributions across the cultures investigated, some of which are correlated with the dimensions identified by Hofstede. These findings suggest that cultural differences that are observed in the physical world also exist in the virtual world.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi

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