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Journal Article: BibTeX citation key:  lorenzen.461
Lorenzen Michael (2006). « Vandals, Administrators, and Sockpuppets, Oh My!  An Ethnographic Study of Wikipedia’s Handling of Problem Behavior ». MLA Forum, vol. 5, n° 2.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi 2006-01-12 00:47:43    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2007-11-22 05:42:14
Categories: 5. économie et modèles éditoriaux
Keywords: vandalisme, Wikipedia
Creators: Lorenzen
Collection: MLA Forum

Number of views:  1015
Popularity index:  8.47%

Wikipedia is a 21st Century phenomena which is forcing many to reconsider what is and what is not valid and authoritative online. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that any one can edit. This creates many opportunities to expand knowledge but it also opens the project up to vandalism and abuse. Many writers have commented on this and determined that Wikipedia has a good defense against problematic behavior even if these same writers are unsure of the legitimacy of Wikipedia as a whole. Other writers have noted the need for identified authors for legitimacy to be attainable. This ethnographic study looks at a public system that Wikipedia uses to identify and correct problem behaviors from contributors. It concludes that Wikipedia does have a good system in place that can protect the integrity of articles in many instances. However, this study was limited in scope and was unable to determine if the system in place for abuse reporting is truly able to vouch for the status of Wikipedia as an authoritative resource.
Added by: Laure Endrizzi

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