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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0521586747 BibTeX citation key:  marchionini.189
Marchionini Gary (1997). Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. Cambridge University Press.
Added by: Khatira Odin 2005-06-10 10:14:44
Categories: 6. usages et pratiques pédagogiques
Creators: Marchionini
Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Number of views:  643
Popularity index:  5.36%

Significant amounts of our time and energy are devoted to creating, managing, and avoiding information. Computers and telecommunications technology have extended our regard for information and are driving changes in how we learn, work, and play. One result of these developments is that skills and strategies for storing and retrieving information have become more essential and more pervasive in our culture. This book considers how electronic technologies have changed these skills and strategies and augmented the fundamental human activity of information seeking. The author makes a case for creating new interface designs that allow the information seeker to choose what strategy to apply according to their immediate needs. Such systems may be designed by providing information seekers with alternative interface mechanisms for displaying and manipulating multiple levels of representation for information objects.

Information Seeking in Electronic Environments is essential reading for researchers and graduate students in information science, human-computer interaction, and education, as well as for designers of information retrieval systems and interfaces for digital libraries and archives.

• Proposes new approaches to design of information retrieval systems
• Based on years of user studies, providing analysis from their point of view rather than the more common one of the computer
• Multidisciplinary, spanning education, information science, and computer science
• Information retrieval is a hot topic
Added by: Khatira Odin

Further information may be found at:


1. Information and information seeking
2. Information seekers and electronic environments
3. Information-seeking perspective and framework
4. Foundations for personal information infrastructures
5. Information-seeking knowledge, skills, and attitudes
6. Analytical search strategies
7. Browsing strategies
8. Designing support for Browsing
9. A research and development perspective
10. The continuing evolution of information seeking
11. Future directions and conclusion
Added by: Khatira Odin



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