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Journal Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0302-9743 BibTeX citation key:  anon.184
(2002). « Computer Helping People with Special Needs ». Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 2398.
Added by: Khatira Odin 2005-10-22 21:34:56    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi 2005-10-22 21:34:56
Categories: 4. interfaces et modes de consultation
Collection: Lecture notes in computer science

Number of views:  2923
Popularity index:  24.38%

Further information may be found at: ... 7;linkingpublicationresults,1:105633,1

Special issue: Proceedings of 8th International Conference, ICCHP 2002, Linz, Austria, July 15-20, 2002.

Sommaires :
#George Kerscher. Structured Access to Documents, Digital Talking Books, and Beyond: The DAISY Consortium p.1
#Christian Bühler. eEurope - eAccessibility - User Participation p. 3
#Christian Bühler. From Research to Business Improving the Take Up of Results of Research Projects Introduction to the Workshop p. 6
#Constantine Stephanidis and Pier Luigi Emiliani. Universal Access to Information Society Technologies: Opportunities for People with Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. p. 8
#Keith Gladstone, Cathy Rundle, Tara Alexander.Accessibility and Usability of eCommerce Systems p. 11
#M. Pieper. Recommending Context-Sensitive and Process-Oriented Tourist Information to the Disabled - The PALIO Case. p. 19
#Denis Chêne and Michel Hoël. Web Site Accessibility Auditing Tool for Visually Deficient Persons OCAWA. p. 27
#Andreas Holzinger. User-Centered Interface Design for Disabled and Elderly People: First Experiences with Designing a Patient Communication System (PACOSY). p. 33
#Constantine Stephanidis. The Disappearing Computer: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Disabled and Elderly People. p. 41
#Pier Luigi Emiliani. New Technologies and Services for Disabled and Elderly People in the Emerging Information Society. p. 49
#Sylvie Duchateau, Denis Boulay, Claudine Tchang-Ayo, et al. A Strategy to Achieve the Accessibility of Public Web Sites. p. 58
#Accessibility and Affordance for Voice Interactive Systems with the VoiceXML Technology p. 61
#Ewald Feyerer. Computer and Inclusive Education: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. p. 64
#Amanda Watkins and Harald Weber. National Information and Communication Technology Policies. p. 68
#Walter Rainwald. EUN Virtual School Special Needs Education. p. 76
M. Pieper. Tutorial Systems to Teach Standard Applications to the Learning Disabled. p. 83
#Dominique Archambault and Dominique Burger. The Vickie Project: Visually Impaired Children Kit for Inclusive Education. p. 90
#Jaakko Kurhila and Hanna Varjola. Using Adaptive Hypermedia to Evaluate Basic Arithmetic Skills in Special Education. p. 98
#Ewald Feyerer, Klaus Miesenberger, David Wohlhart. ICT and Assistive Technology in Teachers Education and Training. p. 107
#Jørgen Greve and Harald Weber. Bridging the Information Gap between IST and SEN - A Practical Approach on European Level p. 115
#Yehya Mohamad, S. Hammer, F. Haverkamp, et al. Evaluational Study: Training with Animated Pedagogical Agents. p. 117
€Barbara Prazak and Mathilde Niehaus. Usage of Modern Technologies - A Chance for People with Special Needs?! - Pedagogically Relevant Criteria for the Review of Educational Software Exemplified by "Step by Step 3". p. 125
#Cordula Edler. Social Innovation in the Information Society - Take It Easy - p. 128
#David Wohlhart. ODL:Inclusive - Improving Inclusive Teaching through Online Training. p. 130
#Norman Coombs. Accessible E-learning: Infrastructure and Content. p. 133
#Giovanna Turrini, Laura Cignoni, Alessandro Paccosi. Addizionario: Words in Your Pocket. p. 136
#N. Shopland, J. Lewis, D.J. Brown, et al. Virtual Travel Training for People with Learning Disabilities Accessing Employment Including the Introduction to the Special Thematic Session "Virtual Reality". p. 140
#F. Alcantud, G. Herrera, G. Labajo, et al. Assessing Virtual Reality as a Tool for Support Imagination. p. 143
#D.J. Brown, M. Yazdanparast, J. Lewis, et al. Literacy and Numeracy Edutainment Packages for Disaffected Young Learners. p. 145
#P.J. Standen, S. Battersby, T.L. Lannen. Control of Virtual Environments for People with Intellectual Disabilities p. 147
#S.J. Battersby, N. Kelly, D.J. Brown, et al.Online Gardening to Promote Social Inclusion. p. 150
#D. Bauer, A. Plinge, M. Finke. Selective Phoneme Spotting for Realization of an /s, z, C, t/ Transposer. p. 153
#Flavio Oliveira, Iwao Kobayashi, Mitsumasa Sugawara. A Multimedia Based Software for Non-Japanese to Learn Japanese Sign Language p. 162
#iroki Minagawa, Ichiro Naito, Nobuko Kato, et al.The User Interface Design for the Sign Language Translator in a Remote Sign Language Interpretation System. p. 164
#Tomoyuki Nishioka. The See-through Head Mount Display as the Information Offering Device for the Hearing Impaired Students. p. 166
#D. Bauer, A. Plinge, M. Finke. Digital Speech Signal Processing to Compensate Severe Sensory Hearing Deficits: The /s, z, C, t/ Transposer Module in Simulation - An Overview and Examples. p. 168
#Dominique Archambault. Computers for the Development of Young Disabled Children: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. p. 170
#Aurélie Buaud, Harry Svensson, Dominique Archambault, et al. Multimedia Games for Visually Impaired Children. p. 173
#Paul Panek, Christian Beck, Stefan Mina, et al.Technical Assistance for Motor-and Multiple Disabled Children - Some Long Term Experiences. p. 181
#Chi Nung Chu, Tien Yu Li, Ming Chung Chen. The Design of an Adaptive Web Browser for Young Children with Reading Difficulties. p. 189
#Anita Hildén and Jenny Hammarlund. Can All Young Disabled Children Play at the Computer?. p. 191
#Antoine Dutot, Damien Olivier, Dominique Archambault. TL a Language to Create Games for Visually Impaired Children. p. 193
#Hiroaki Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Sankai. Power Assist System HAL-3 for Gait Disorder Person. p. 196
#Ting-Fang Wu, Ling-Fu Meng, Hwa-Pey Wang, et al.Computer Access Assessment for Persons with Physical Disabilities: A Guide to Assistive Technology Interventions. p. 204
#Junji Ohyama and Yoshiyuki Sankai. A Proposal of Effective Motion Learning Method Using Sensory Feedback for Walk-disabled People. p. 212
#Masako Nozawa and Yoshiyuki Sankai. Control Method of Walking Speed and Step Length for Hybrid Assistive Leg. p. 220
#Hidetaka Ikeuchi, Satoshi Arakane, Kengo Ohnishi, et al.The Development of Gait Training System for Computer-Aided Rehabilitation. p. 228
#James Gips, Philip A. DiMattia, Marialice Curran, et al. Accessing Internet Courses by Eye Movement and Head Movement. p. 236
#Tien-yu Li, Ling-Fu Meng, Chien-Huey Sophie Chang, et al.The Program for Improving the Working Interfaces and Increasing the Work Competencies of People with Severe Physical Disabilities: The Evaluation, Design, and Training of the Adaptive Computer Devices. p. 238
#Wolfgang L. Zagler. Matching Typing Persons and Intelligent Interfaces: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session p. 241

A suivre...
Added by: Khatira Odin    Last edited by: Laure Endrizzi



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